Summer is upon us. Summer brings with it holidays, family time, holiday preparations and expectations, and some stress brought on by kids being home for the summer. The reality is that families that have problems often argue and fight at holiday time. The summer is unkind to rocky relationships. Continue reading ›
Articles Tagged with holidays
Sharing Holiday Time With Your Soon to be Former Spouse
Regardless of your faith, or lack thereof, the American holiday season is upon us. Few would disagree that Halloween is the preseason opener and Thanksgiving the actual kick-off to the holiday season. It really doesn’t matter what you believe; you recognize these holidays and have a manner of dealing with them. Over time, the method of recognizing or ignoring holidays becomes a family tradition, one which establishes our footing in the world. When we marry, we bring these traditions with us and try to build them into our new family. As children are born, we build these traditions around our children and the modern reality that life and career may move us far from our place of origin. Continue reading ›